
Showing posts from June, 2022

Choosing a Niche

  Alright, the first thing you need to do is choose a niche to focus on. This method is so much easier than the micro niche method because it doesn’t involve hours upon hours of researching products, affiliate networks, and keyword tools. You just pick a niche and go. Okay, so it does involve SOME research, but the research is faster and easier using this method, and using a few free tools you can complete this in an hour or less in most cases. The first thing to do is figure out a niche that has voracious buyers but NOT a ton of competition. This is the toughest part because most markets with voracious buyers are insanely competitive. (Some competition is good, but too much competition makes your job much harder.) Golf, for example, is a popular niche for internet marketers to get into. This is especially true for beginners. Yes, golfers do tend to have excess income to spend. Yes, they do tend to spend a good chunk of that excess income on their hobby. But because pretty much everyon

Affiliate Products

  Once your site is up and populated with a few articles, you can start adding some affiliate links. But remember, you can’t treat this the same way you might have those micro niche sites that were so popular a few years ago! It takes finesse! Don’t put affiliate links in every single article. Don’t use banners on your site unless you’re using a PPC ad network for extra income. Banners just don’t work anymore. Instead, you should create posts that are solely meant to promote a particular product, without making it seem like you’re promoting the product. Basically, this means demonstrating the use of the product in some way without making your post seem like nothing but an ad. For example, let’s say you want to sell some really cool kitchen gadgets. You could make a video of yourself preparing some dish that uses the gadget and shows just how cool it really is. (Alternately, you could embed someone else’s video and just talk about how cool it is in your article.) Then you could provide

What ‘s Email Marketing

E- mail marketing is the process of incorporating the use of e- mails in small business marketing strategy.  It’s  essentially the same thing as sending out mailers, newsletters and coupon books through mail. The only difference with the other forms of marketing is that this marketing strategy occurs through electronic mail. Since most people around the globe use e- mail as a form of communication, it is ideal that you come up with an effective strategy that will see you as a small business owner communicate with your clients via e- mail.  Basically, there are numerous ways that you can use- mail marketing techniques to market your firm as well as your services to your consumers. For instance, you can use this form of marketing to reach potential consumers or you can use it to market your business in different public venues. Types of Email Marketing  There are three general types of e- mail marketing strategies that you can use to market your small business. They include; 1. Direct E-